Friday, 20 July 2012

Dispatch any errands but have no time?

When and how the business started:

The business was founded in March 2012 with the aim of helping people/businesses with the everydayErrands and delivery of parcels, letters and small packages affordably
within Nairobi.

the opportunity
I saw that people are very busy nowadays and the simple
errands take much of their time.  So we saw it as an opportunity and decided
to take it. With the everyday working man/woman, things could get so hectic
that these errands are sometimes forgotten. Be it shopping for household
goods or flowers on an anniversary.

The offering
We also deliver urgent letters, parcels and packages in Nairobi and its
environs for now.
For example, the delivery of letters could cost 300 Kenyan shillings while
shopping i.e. grocery is charged at 12.5% of worth of shopping plus we
deliver it.
All these can be done from the comfort of the office or at home. We figured
everybody needs at least some spare time for oneself, family and friends and
just to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Our services give them the extra
hour for that which they would have spent running these errands.

the services
We offer a variety of services including but not limited to:
.         Delivery Service - Fast delivery of urgent letters, small packages
and parcels within Nairobi @300 per letter
.         Shopping and delivery  @ 12.5% of shopping's worth
.         Simple banking and bill payments @ 300
.         License renewal  i.e. driving license @300
.         Business registration @ 300
.         Car search @ 300
.         Car garage appointments @ 300 + if we have to wait for more than
an hour then an hourly charge of 200 per hour
.         Purchase and delivery of office supplies @15% of supplies worth
All these services and more.

Why Choose Us
.         We offer fast, reliable and secure services;
.         Flexible services tailored around anyone's needs;
.         Same day services;
.         Excellent value for the money they pay;
.         We open early and close late i.e. 7  am to 6.30 pm daily including
.         We do pick up and delivery;
.         Suitable for individuals and organizations;
.         Everyone is treated as an individual not just another number;
.         We do this with passion for helping people.

how can people reach you?
 Facebook page
Justus on 0715251007
We are in Old nation building stall M7 along tom
mboya street Nairobi.

*all prices are in Kenya shillings


  1. ErrandsBoy Provides delivery services, business services and personal shopper services. It provides Errandsboy comapny in Dubai.Professional Errands Running Service At Your Fingertips In Dubai.Get your errands done with hundreds of professional errand runner in Dubai, everything from finding, booking, fixing, buying and delivering.First text and shop service in Dubai.
