I am loyal to my country but am
also very extremely loyal to my wallet!
I recently been watching the whole
discussion by NACC that we should tax air time more and air travel to support
HIV aids projects.
Here is my beef with this approach,
Communication and Air travel (Read Tourists) make up a good deal of total tax
revenue in the country as well as a good number of employment opportunities for
all alike. Targeting to make these two more expensive by taxing them more, in
my view is going to lead to fewer jobs and maybe fewer tourists.
After all communication is one of
the indicators used to determine the attractiveness of a foreign investment. Am
sure coupled by the numerous lapse in security, Kenya will become even more undesirable
for foreign business if the expats cannot travel or communicate cheaply.
We now live in a global community,
whilst it is cheap to produce goods and services here than in most western
countries, there are more countries attracting foreign investments other than
Kenya. For instance, ten years ago who would have thought Rwanda would be a
hive of foreigners. But with Kagame, that is all changed. Burundi used to be in
the same shoes as Rwanda but they aren’t even closely related when it comes to
foreign investment.
Anyway, my opinion (my opinion) is
that KACC people just want the money for their projects without considering
what the knock off effect is on the entire economy. They seem to have forgotten
that in February a prospective foreign investor said he couldn’t start a 24
hour call centre in Kenya due to security issue.
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