Saturday, 6 April 2013

What business am i doing now....!

Well, I am a woman not yet 30 years of age and as such I have just yet to figure out my life. for instant I don't know where I want to live for the rest of my life, I don't like the career I am in and I like my own company most of the time. No am not lonely , am not single in fact am very much married and have great relationships with my family - all of them, well I lie most of them ( I think)

anyway, as a result of not having figured out my life, it means I had to abandon my farming venture business idea as I no longer live in Kenya and it looks like I will not be in Kenya in the next 2 years.

Anyway, I am an entrepreneur at heart and I now import shoes into Kenya, even though I don't live there

my shoe blog is here and my shoe facebook is here
Please do check them out and if you desire any of the shoes contact

Charity Gathoni - 0772095997; all the prices will be on facebook ( those are the most accurate ones!)


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