Friday, 23 August 2013

of shippin agents

Shipping AGENTs


A good shipping agent can be the right answer to your shipping needs, on the other side if your agent is not tending to your needs, he could cost you more than your profits.

A good shipping agent should be able to arrange for collection for your goods from the suppliers warehouse and get it to the exporting country port and then arrange for the transfer accordingly to your local port.

He should also be able to count the units for you, it is more so an ask for a service and get a price for it. If you don’t ask you don’t get!


He should also be able to arrange for customs clearance and deliver your goods to the doorstep, obviously for all these things, you will have to pay. But the price is relatively cheaper than doing it yourself especially as you are not there ( for instance if you live in the diaspora!).


Bear in mind that if the goods aren’t collected from the airport on the same night, some charges of 10,000 shillings apply a night irrespective of the size of your cargo. So having your shipping agent sort out everything ensures you don’t have to pay these kind of charges.


So in the search of a shipping agent, put as much effort as you would for your supplier and market. He could be the reason you don’t make a profit or he could be the reason your shipping is easy pizzy!


1 comment:

  1. hi i would like to as a few questions on shipping and imports from china. Please contact me
