Tuesday, 2 July 2013


After the initial 4 days of cleansing, I got to say that I have learnt to ignore the urge to chew. The thing is that the lemonade is 1200 calories which is the recommended daily intake, so am not calorie starved.

so for days 5 and 6 I had the best days to say the least. I stuck to my diet and I didn't even think about food. and that is not the only good thing - well depends on how you look at it

Day 5 being a Friday I finally decided to do the sea salt flush - the flush is literally like flushing a toilet only you do it to your tummy and system. You see the cayenne pepper breaks down the mucus in the stomach lining, so there is sludge in your belly just sitting there. as you are not eating your body doesn't have the urge to pass stool, so you don't have the urge to poop. So the sea salt flush forces you to poop this sludge out - if you think it is a gross business, well it is so don't look.

On Friday I got home and made my sea salt flush - 1 liter of warm water and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. I drank it hit the shower and ten minutes later, everything was out of the system. The I panicked thinking that I could dehydrate and decided to take a pint of Ribena - well a minute later it was out,. I was impressed so I decided to drink more want to 'rinse' out my intestines, and so I did. To say the least I couldn't eat for a period of over 3 hours. but the following morning I was good to eat

On sunday - day 7 - I broke my cleanse. it being fathers days, I just couldn't not eat. but I was feeling so good after the cleanse I decided not to do it for the remaining 3 days. but at least I know I can do it

so have I lost weight

to be honest I don't know. I don't weight myself, it is just not my thing. although I want to loose weight , it is more of how I feelthing rather than how many kilos are on the scale. I have notices my tummy is smaller but I have also started doing weights and sit ups.

I still walk to the train station and do my jog.....I don't like jogging but am used to it now

so there you go.....hope someone out there tries this!

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