Sunday, 7 July 2013

my oily skin regimen....stuff i do!


Oily skin diet........the regimen


My mum has oily skin, my dad has normal skin. My grandmother has dry skin


The benefits of oily skin

Well, the believe is that oily skin keeps the wrinkles away. I have noticed that my mum at almost 60 still doesn’t have wrinkles.


So why oily skin?

Our skin naturally produces sebum. This is a protective oil that keeps our skin healthy, however it is also a breeding ground for bacteria and other micro organism that can cause acne. All skin types have sebum production but to a varying degree

For the oily skin, the skin over produces sebum which can cause blocked pores ( bumps on the skin) and also created a breeding ground for acne causing organisms/bacterias.


Before I did my research on oily skin, I tended to use strong astringents like cleansers and toners to reduce/eliminate the excess oil. The harsh chemicals ( especially alcohol) strips the skin of the sebum fuelling for more over-production of sebum. It is more like cutting a shrub, the shoots comes out with vengeance.

However now that I know, I have moved towards natural products which don’t strip the skin.

My cleanser is witch hazel – this is natural and alcohol free – cheap as well


To reduce the oiliness I also use bentonite clay mask – natural with no additives. I buy the powder, add lemon essential oils.

I lightly exfoliate my face every morning to avoid blocked pores.


I still however use high street moisturizers and skin primer with chemicals because  I still don’t know of natural alternatives that work for me.


But for once I got a healthier skin, I still have blemishes and oily skin but my skin is not dull anymore.




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