Thursday, 27 March 2014

sexuality in African ----- the law!

Sexuality in Africa.

it is illegal to be gay in Uganda in Kenya, Nigeria and many other African countries.

The argument is always one that the western world ways should not rub onto our culture.

But I don't think sexuality is anything to do with the western culture. If a man wants to sleep with a man or woman wants a woman this has nothing to do with anything external but with a lot internal to them.

as such the belief that the fight by the western world not to make homosexuality illegal seems ill.

I just do not see what the big deal is? who cares is your neighbour is gay or not. I sure don't .

some people say that this would bring bad influence to their kids - but the truth is, my kids would need to make that choice for themselves. I would not care either way if they were gay or not. at this point I would like to point out that I do not have kids, but this doesn't change how I feel about the matter.

it is also illegal to wear a mini-skirt in Uganda. Whilst it is not illegal to wear one in Kenya, there is a lot of mob justice in Kenya if women wear mini-skirts. I just do not understand why these men (The few) think that they have the right to dictate what a woman wears. They say it is not African, but if you watch enough of national geographic you will see that most of the African cultures did dress scantly in the old times - why is a miniskirt so bad then. I wear miniskirts and short ....but I don't live in that environment.

I just do not see why anyone sexuality and what they dress is anything to do with the law. I can see why being naked in the street and engaging in unconsented sexual activities is illegal but I don't see what business of the law it is to discuss and make a decision on what two consenting adults do in their privacy.

The same Africans making these laws claiming they go against African traditions wear shoes, and clothes and drive cars - none of which are African traditions.

they smoke cigarettes with filters and they drink from a glass.....the live in a house; all of which is western influence.

why cannot adults make decision as per their wishes and desires without having their govt dictate to them -

I like to belief morality and religion is a person voluntary matter and thus should not be forced on anyone!

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