Thursday, 1 May 2014

marrige bill

The marriage and my beef with it

Legal doesnt always equal to moral and neither does it make it practical

i have a few issues with the marriage bill

For instance the proposal a wife is only entitle to 30% or marrital property? i work my ass off literally and i have surely contributed more than just 30% of the property we own.

I dont really care about him taking the second wife - because i will have divorced him before he even does it legally. You can force a donkey to go to the river but your cannot force it to drink. So if he want to move on, i will happily pave way legally. but he is not leaving with the 70% of the property

This would just mean that as a wife - it would be time to make sure that the property i worked hard for is in my name and not a joint name.

If i lived in Kenya, were a woman and was as hardworking as i am, i would not marry. That way i would walk away with what i worked for and not be short changed thanks to some stupid marriage bill!

I hope that unmarried women there stop rushing to get married; i wouldnt if i were them

I live and am married in a country where this marriage bill doesnt apply - but am still Kenya!

However, i think this is good news for the women who are lazy and dont pull their weight - i think 30% is a generous offer. But then again men dont generally look after the children and the households!

I dont like the bill at all.... but there are ways around it!

The whole idea that someone has to be 18 to get married is a great one - i wonder how they will enforce this

I didnt like the stipulation that the women were 'tagging' onto men for maintenance... am sorry but i work hard for the little i have then go home and do dishes whilst my hubby is cooking! that is the kinda union i have.

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