My food dairy – master cleanse day 1
To do the master cleanse diet/cleanse one needs to only consume the lemonade drink alone – 1200 calories. Most people use it to lose weight, but it is ideally used to flash your system of the bad toxins accumalated in the body. Dont do this diet for more than 40 days and you should wait for 3-6 months before doing it again.
The drink – below is 1200 calories – the amount you need to survive a day!
-          12 tablespoons of organic fresh lemon juice
-          12 tablespoons of organic marple syrup
-          ½ teaspoon of cayene paper
-          60 ounces of filtered water – dont use tap water
Things to note
Dont use canned lemone juice; it needs to be freshly squeezed
Marple syrup must be grade b and no added sugar
Cayenne pepper is critical – dont use lemonade without the cayenne pepper. The pepper is crucial for breaking up mucus and increasing healthy blood flow. It is also a source of vitamins b and c
You will also need sea salt – 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water in the mornings only; give yourself time for a bowel movement. Remember as you arent eating solids your bowel movement will sort of cease.
Day 1 or 10  – master cleanse
This is more like a day to ease myself to the liquid diet.
So I ate the below
-          1 glass of red lentils and coconut soup for breakfast
-          3 glasses of watermelon juice – no added sugar
-          1 glass of vegetable juice – 1 cucumber and spinach
-          Lemonade – I had about ½ of the daily require amount
-          Chewing gum – 2 of them
Am I starving – no, I have not felt the hunger pains today, but am sure tomorrow will be very different
1 down 9 to go!